Backup while in multi-user mode

Joern Baier baier at
Thu May 9 04:31:34 AEST 1991


In the manual page for dump it is recommended that dumps should be performed
while the system is runing in single-user mode. Because we share our exabyte-
device with other domains we cannot always do a dump during the nighttime. So
sometimes we have to do it at daytime in multi-user mode with two or more users
at each host.

What problems can arise using this policy? 
I think that files which are created on a partition after the dump had started
won't be dumped. But this should be no problem for user files because they
would be incremental dumped the following night.
What else (and worse) may happen?


Joern Baier     (baier at 
Jesuitengasse 9 
D-W-8390 Passau 
Tel.:   +49/851/35239 

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