Inter-process Commun. Limits, AIX 3.1

Max madhu at
Tue Dec 4 11:15:45 AEST 1990

	The structures msginfo , seminfo , shminfo are
depicted in <sys/*.h> in accordance to where they belong.
Are the limits in these set somewhere? Is there an lsattr
command to list the current setting of the limits that
appear in these structures (max. # shrd. mem id's, q id;s

Is there a way of setting/resetting these limits on the run?
(Without restarting the system)

The fundamental question is how does AIX use the limits (is
something done at startup time with these limits, who does it
and why).

Thanks in advance for the info. (will summarize if there is
sufficient interest).

	Madhu Raman
	madhu at

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