XStation talking to RT

Eric Murray ericm at skate.awdpa.ibm.com
Sat Dec 29 08:11:19 AEST 1990

In article <F4Hiu2w163w at zitt>  writes:
>Because I'm developing toold that have to run on these 
>RTs, mostly using awk, and the awk on RT is so brain-damaged that 
>developing awk code that works elsewhere, then porting it to the RT is 
>useless. The mother-may-I OS strikes again...)

This may be totally obvious, but why don't you just port
Gnu awk (gawk) to the RTs?  Then you'd have something that
is (nearly) compatible with the awk on the 6000.
There are a few minor differences, the only one I can
remember is that the counter in a for-loop
has a be a single-character variable (i.e.:
	for (a in array) { ... }
This bug exists in gawk, at least on the BSD ports
we have, but it's not a big deal.
The awk on the RT is, as you've discovered, really old.

 eric murray           ericm at ibminet.awdpa.ibm.com          uunet!ibmsupt!ericm
 the lawyers make me say: this posting doesn't represent official ibm policy
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