HOw to log off a Rs/6000 under X windows.

Lyle Meier ldm at texhrc.UUCP
Sat Jul 14 10:54:45 AEST 1990

We have just recieved a Rs/6000. When one logs on and starts X windows,
it is not obvious how one can get out of X and log out. The .xinitrc
indicates that the motif window manager is the controlling process, 
but when one kills it the whole screen goes catatonic, in that no
window has focus at this point. It is possible to use the cut buffer
from before the kill and restart the window manager.
If one types logout at an aixterm, there
is just a message that says that logout is not allowed. If one kills
the X server kill -9 pid, then the screen goes catatonic also.
I at this point a reboot is the only option. 
The info system does not tell one how to logout, except from an attached
tty, and the little useless card deck just says to type logout.

The system is of little use if the only way for a user to logout is to
reboot, albeit that that is an effective way of ensuring that you are
really logged out.

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