Pseudo-ttys and hft's

Andy Hall ahall at vision.UUCP
Tue Jul 10 01:53:44 AEST 1990


 	I have a 6150 running AIX 2.2.1.
	I have written a program which uses pseudo ttys  to interface to a net
much the same as telnet does. I sit on the master side of the pty and regular
applications, i.e. sh vi etc., sit on the other. 


                  |  pts   |
                  | ------ |  pseudo-tty
                  |  ptc   |

                    my prog

                   the wire

My problem is: when I start up
vi or pg or the like, someone writes  " ESC [ x ......." on the data stream.
	I have discovered that this is a hft ( High Function Terminal ) ioctl
call which gets thrown on the data stream if the device is a pseudo tty. But how
did it get there, (did vi write it ?), and how do I stop it.  Do I have to 
inspect the whole data stream and strip out hft calls?


Replies via email please:

ahall at vision.uucp

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