Growing pains in PS/2 AIX 1.1

Jim Vlcek vlcek at mit-caf.MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 13 05:47:03 AEST 1990

Well, I've had generally very good luck so far in bringing up AIX 1.1,
XWindows, and emacs on our PS/2 Model 80, although there's a couple of
small things lurking around causing trouble.

XWindows installed quite easily, but one problem I'm finding is that,
when I rlogin from another host (typically a VAXstation 3100 running
4.3BSD), and then open up an aixterm, I can't bring up the aixterm
option menus -- the aixterm blows up with an "Abort or IOT trap"
message.  Anyone have any experience with this?

Emacs 18.55 also went in rather easily, although I had to do some
gymnastics to find enough disk space to do the build and installation.
I did the decompression and dearchiving on another machine, and then
ftp'd only the absolutely necessary stuff over to the target machine,
leaving out some of the dist/lisp/*.el files in the process.  The one
problem I encountered in the build/install process that I couldn't
solve was that the command "./temacs -batch -l inc-vers" in the file 
dist/src/xmakefile kept blowing up with exit status -1.  I finally
commented the line out, and got emacs up and running, at the cost only
of having a slightly-messed-up version number.  Anyone have any idea
why this particular (and rather innocuous) line wouldn't execute
properly?  All it does is modify some data in the file "version.el";
I don't think that the omission of any of the other .el files could
have affected this.  (Obviously, I didn't omit version.el!)  Any

Jim Vlcek  (vlcek at  vlcek at

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