Slimming down a file system

Geoff Coleman geoff at edm.uucp
Tue Apr 9 01:52:22 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr4.192525.28679 at panix.uucp> eravin at panix.uucp (Ed Ravin) writes:
>During the install process on my PowerServer 520, the installer slurped
>up all the free file system space and gave it to /usr.  But once I've
>removed the preloads and other junk I don't want, there's lots of
>space left over I would rather put in /u or elsewhere.  Playing around
>in smit and looking through the documentation, it seems IBM only supplies
>commands to expand file systems, not shrink them.  Do I have to roll the
>whole thing out to tape and recreate it?  Has anyone else here encountered

	Yes you do have to roll it out to tape and rebuild it. But that is
where the fun begins. To do any filesystem modification you need to have
/usr mounted (IBM seems to have stuck a lot of mandatory stuff under /usr
like the logical volume management stuff). This means you have to create
a new FS of the size you want for /usr and then copy over the old /usr
stuff to the new /usr. You then need to modify all of the files which think
/usr is the present LV to make them think that it is the new LV. 
	Then it's time to reboot the machine and pray.

Geoff Coleman
Unexsys Systems

>Ed Ravin            | Even if I could think of a profound, witty, insightful
>cmcl2!panix!eravin  | quote to put here, who would bother reading it?
>philabs!trintex!elr |

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