3005 bugs

Christian Motz cmo at softpro.stgt.sub.org
Sat May 18 22:10:15 AEST 1991

In article <91137.082334DICKSNR at QUCDN.QueensU.CA> DICKSNR at QUCDN.QueensU.CA (Ross M. Dickson) writes:
>Also, somewhat like the gentleman at Hypercube (Sorry, I've forgotten the name)
>I find that occasionally mwm "changes state" so that I've got to click
>on the window frame rather than the window in order to activate it.
>One time it even changed back after behaving that way for a few minutes.
>I've not been able to find anything I'm doing that correlates with this
>change of behaviour.

This sounds a lot like the behaviour that has always plagued the RISC's
implementation of X. Could it be that the window manager behaves "normal"
if you have NumLock off and starts acting up when you turn NumLock on?
I have experienced this problem from the beginning up to now (We are
currently running 3003, 3005 hasn't arrived yet).

Just my experiences, your mileage may vary.

SOFTPRO doesn't speak for me, and I do not speak for SOFTPRO. So what?

                              Christian Motz, cmo at softpro.stgt.sub.org

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