Console Windows

Joe Porkka jap at
Thu Feb 14 06:17:25 AEST 1991

pateros at (Chuck Pateros) writes:

>Is there a way to either make the consoles act JUST like vt100s,
>or can I somehow tell the remote machine how to handle my console
>window (amiga) terminal?

You can teach VI to recognize your arrow keys.
Fisrt, determine what each arrow key produces. (1)
Now, setup a files called ".exrc" in your home directory, in it
put stuff like
	map j (downarrow)
	map k (uparrow)
	map h (leftarrow)
	map l (rightarrow)

(1) To determine what your arrow keys are can be easy, if their not
mapped funny. In VI use the following keysequence
<ESC> i ^v (arrowkey) 

The ^v (control-v) is to let you insert a control character. Usually
the first char of a special key, like arrows, in an esc.
On the keyboard I'm on now, the result of doing the above for
uparrow is:
 map k Ox

 The up arrow being an esc, O, x
 I think VT100 arrows are esc, [, A B C and D

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