Developers. Was: Re: GNU Development Possible?

Richard Veino aahz at cai.uucp
Sat Jan 12 12:03:44 AEST 1991

Question:  I'm interested in buying an amiga 3000 but I would prefer to get 
the 3000UX instead.  Knowing my luck, after I buy the 3000, the unix version
would be released!  My questions are:

1)  If anybody can tell me when or about when the unix version will be available    to the public.  I will use it for school as well as at work.   

2)  Could you please let me know what all comes with the 3000UX.  How much ram,
    what kind of hard disk, Open Look, Motif, etc...

3)  Are there any student discount prices for the unix version, if so, what are
    the prices and what do they come with.

>From what I have read in BYTE magazine, and on the net here, it sounds like a 
great machine.  I'm looking forward to owning one, as well as programming it.
Thanks for any help, and information that you might submit.  Again thanks,
it will save me a little money, and time.

Scott Fleming (scottf at cai.UUCP Scott Fleming)

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