XView, OLIT, or ...?

Lars P. Fischer fischer at iesd.auc.dk
Fri Jan 18 02:45:42 AEST 1991

I have been wondering about the version of the OPEN LOOK window
manager and especially the OPEN LOOK toolkits available for the Amiga

- Is the window manager supplied the one developed by AT&T, or is it
  the OPEN LOOK window manager developed by Sun and used in Open
  Windows as well as in the X distribution available from MIT and the
  X Consortium?

- A number of OPEN LOOK toolkits for X has been implemented. One,
  under various names at various times (sigh) from AT&T, one called
  OLIT from Sun, and one called XView, also from Sun. The AT&T toolkit
  and OLIT are based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics, while XView has an
  API resembling SunView. Which of these are supplied with AMIX (or
  whatever it's called)?

The toolkit part is especially important. Lots of software has been or
is in the process of being written with XView. The fact that XView is
available free means that lots of people have adopted it. This is
especially so for University projects.

Lars Fischer,  fischer at iesd.auc.dk    |  Life is hard, and then you die.
CS Dept., Univ. of Aalborg, DENMARK.  |             - The Immaterial

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