UNIX on Amiga 500?

Michael J. Farren farren at sat.com
Fri Mar 22 05:07:49 AEST 1991

cimshop!davidm at uunet.UU.NET writes:
>I don't know for sure, but I believe the original Unix-PC was a 68000.

Nope.  The original was a 68010.  It's a virtual memory machine (with
a custom MMU), and you can't run VM with a 68000, period - that's why
the 68010 exists.

>That's what differentiated it from the 3B1 (which was a 68010).

The difference between the Unix PC and the 3b1 was the nameplate, only.
It's just like the "Porsche 914", which in Europe was sold as a
Volkswagen.  The 3b1 label was reserved for the top of the line, but
they are the same machine.

>Don't know about the memory protection on either model, though.

Custom MMU on all of them.  Works like a charm.  Followups to comp.sys.3b1.

| Michael J. Farren                                      farren at sat.com |
|                        He's moody, but he's cute.                     |

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