Amiga 3000UX, X, OpenLook, Motif, Color, A2410, Etc. (somewhat long)

Kristian Koehntopp kris at
Thu Mar 28 19:21:51 AEST 1991

peter at (Peter da Silva) writes:
>Hey, you have any idea how many victims were persuaded to buy Atari STs
>instead of Amigas because of how long it took them to start shipping
>boxes? If they hadn't shipped *something* we'd be running TOS now.

Well, at least _I_ have sold my A2000-A because I was fed up with

- no ressource tracking
- BPTR to [AC]PTR conversion
- continuing crashes after pointer-int and pointer-pointer mismatches
  (Well, an Amiga is not exactly the friendliest environment for learning C!)
- and the 2 minute boot time from disk/hdd, because the A2090 was not able
  to boot from hdd.
- the hardware upgrade policy of cbm (A2000-B and C release, not way to
  upgrade, at least for me and my below 2700 A2000)

Most of the above faults are due to the poor design of the dos.library and
could have been easily avoided. I bought an 386 with XENIX instead.

I know, most of this has changed today and perhaps I am going to buy an
A3000 with UNIX (compares to an 386/25 with EISA, but is 8000 DM cheaper),
but I will never ever touch a machine without ressource tracking and memory


Kristian Koehntopp, Harmsstrasse 98, 2300 Kiel, +49 431 676689
"Im uebrigen ist 'Z-NETZ-Sysops quaelen' auf Dauer weder lustig noch
 befriedigend." - sysop at

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