Problems with xterm

Ryan Jorgenson ryan
Sun Aug 6 16:38:59 AEST 1989

  I'm having a problem with xterm running under A/UX.  
After mucking about with several files on my MacIIcx 
(including the xterm.icon, sysinitrc, bcheckrc, etc),
I found that I could no longer call up a new xterm
from the 'twm' manager.  The error message I am getting
      xterm: Error 14, errno 13: Permission denied

  Figuring that something was a little screwy, I rebooted
my machine and found that I could not call up X anymore 
as it craps out with the same error message.  I've looked
through the /dev directory and all of the X11 directories
and haven't been able to find anything bizarre.
  The really strange part is that I have the same problem
when I attempt to call up X as root... 

  Can anyone tell me what is likely to be causing this problem?
I suppose I could reinstall either or both of A/UX and X, but
since I have them both on floppies, that option is definitely
low on the priorities scale.

	I appreciate any help, as I am stumped.

				Ryan J.

ryan at amc-vlsi.uucp		|	Ryan Jorgenson
ryan at	|	The Alberta Microelectronic Centre
				|	Calgary, Alberta Canada

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