More strangeness with talk

Alexis Rosen alexis at panix.uucp
Sun Dec 2 12:24:26 AEST 1990

Well, I've figured this one out. Sort of, anyway. But the solution is bad.

The problem was that talk wouldn't work. Another missing feature (which I
didn't notice until I 'fixed' the problem) was that there was no notification
when mail was received (shells would tell you, but that's different).

The fix was to edit the /etc/hosts file, and put my system's name ("panix")
on the first line, before the loopback names, as follows:
0x7F.0x00.0x00.0x01 panix loop localhost

Now this looks very suspect to me. Why can't I just add another line after
the loopback line, like this? panix

... or something like that? When I do that instead, nothing works. The name
_must_ be in the loopback line, or so it seems.

Is it in fact correct for this name to be there? If not, how can I make things

Alexis Rosen
Owner/Sysadmin, PANIX Public Access Unix, NY

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