Problem in sscanf with gcc-1.37 ?

lamarche at lamarche at
Fri Jul 27 13:40:27 AEST 1990

The following problem arrived when I tried to compile Dclock
(X11R4 client, comp.sources.x). Here is a short program that
describe it.

#include <stdio.h>
main  ()
   char works[] = "Works 1 2";
   char* fails = "Fails 1 2";
   int d1,d2;

   printf ( "String: %s ", works );
   sscanf ( works, "Works %1d %1d",  &d1, &d2 );
   printf ( "--> Read: %d %d\n", d1, d2 );

   printf ( "String: %s ", fails );
   sscanf ( fails, "Fails %1d %1d",  &d1, &d2 );
   printf ( "--> Read: %d %d\n", d1, d2 );

That gives the following output:
String: Works 1 2 --> Read: 1 2
String: Fails 1 2 Memory fault - core dumped

We can printf <fail> but we can't sscanf it.

Since this program works with cc, is this behavior normal with gcc ? 
| Louis Lamarche, IREQ |       lamarche at
| CP 1000, Varennes    |                 or
| QC, Canada, J3X 1S1  |  514-652-8077 (office)  514-324-2919 (home)

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