A/UX 2.0 Prices ($CAD Univ price)

Chuq Von Rospach chuq at Apple.COM
Wed Mar 28 08:21:14 AEST 1990

t-allenb at microsoft.UUCP (Allen BRIGGS) writes:

>Also, does anyone know how much the manuals have been updated to
>reflect the updates to the environment?  I seem to remember that
>there wasn't much, if any, change to the 1.1(.1) docs from the
>1.0 docs.  Is my memory failing again?

If the drafts I'm reviewing are any indication, a lot is changing in the
manuals between 1.1.1 and 2.0.


Chuq Von Rospach   <+>   chuq at apple.com   <+>   [This is myself speaking]

He hasn't an enemy in the world, and none of his friends like him. -- Wilde

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