Partitioning of my disk made it no longer usable

Jordan Hayes jordan at Morgan.COM
Fri Sep 28 02:59:32 AEST 1990

So, I got the CD/ROM version of A/UX 2.0 yesterday, and set off to
install it.  I had previously had a partition at the start of my 300Mb
Wren IV, and so I moved it with SilverLining.  I selected the partition
set that included A/UX 2.0 support and SilverLining told me it had to
move my partition.  Was that okay?  Sure, I clicked.  It showed me a
thermometer as it did the moving, and when it was done mumbled
something about the header blocks (?) not being right, and should it
use the backup versions?  Sure, I clicked (what else could I do?).

Then I rebooted and I can no longer access my disk.  After the Welcome
To Macintosh window comes up, it begins to violently blink at about
10-12 blinks per second, and the machine is dead.

Has anyone seen this before?  How can I boot MacOS in order to check
out the partitions?  If I disconnect the hard disk from the SCSI chain,
I can boot from my internal hard disk.  However, I cannot recconnect
the external drive at this point.  Am I screwed?  What can I do?
Should I just degauss and try again?  I have a backup, but it's not
that recent; I could reconstruct, but I'd rather not.


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