Logitech three button mouse

Eric Dittman dittman at skbat.csc.ti.com
Sat Apr 13 12:08:54 AEST 1991

I called Logitech this week to see if their three button mouse was
available yet.  I had called them after I got the product information
sheet at UniForum at Dallas and was told the product would be shipping
sometime in March.  Now they are saying June.  I asked the marketing
person what caused the delay and was told that they were devoting their
effort to the PC version.  So does anyone know of another three button
mouse for the Macintosh that works under A/UX?
Eric Dittman
Texas Instruments - Component Test Facility
dittman at skitzo.csc.ti.com
dittman at skbat.csc.ti.com

Disclaimer:  I don't speak for Texas Instruments or the Component Test
             Facility.  I don't even speak for myself.

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