2.0.1 upgrade: How much working disk space to do it?

William Roberts; liam at cs.qmw.ac.uk
Thu Mar 28 02:33:58 AEST 1991

In <27ED0806.6484 at orion.oac.uci.edu> rprohask at orion.oac.uci.edu (Robert 
Prohaska) writes:

>I'd like to ftp the 2.0.1 upgrade for my system, but the files
>are big and I'm not sure I can do it in the space available.

>I have to uuencode the files to get them over my downlink, so I need
>space to decode as well as install them.

>Any and all advice appreciated

I'd personally recommend getting the floppy upgrade - it is all external 
storage (only 14 floppies, which is irritationg but much less than a whole 
afternoon's work) and takes up next to no space doing the upgrade. Plus you 
get MacX 1.1 which you don't from the cpio archive.

>ps.  is the file 2.0.1_README plain text, or partly binary?  Some of
>it seems unprintable.

Guess what - it is an AppleSingle format TeachText document. TextEditor can 
read these (I discover) and anyway it seems to be word-for-word identical to 
the file README in that same directory. 

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