Whats Missing?

Peter Morreale morreale at bierstadt.ucar.edu
Sat Sep 23 07:58:49 AEST 1989

In article <3199 at amelia.nas.nasa.gov> ciotti at orville.nas.nasa.gov (Robert B. Ciotti) writes:
>If you had your wish, what would you add to UNICOS 5.0 
>or what in your opinion is missing? 

    A decent Fortran/shell interface.  The problem with the supplied 
    interface (ishell) is that it reproduces the parents memory image.

    Users at this site (COS) are heavily dependent on Fortran-callable 
    JCL for re-start capability.  Rolling out a 5+MW job to do an
    " IERR=ISHELL('assign <args> ')" is an unacceptable solution.
    (Fortran-callable JCL also allowed access to our Mass Storage
    System through local extensions)

    Currently I am diving deep into the bowels ;-) of UNICOS to create a
    socket for such a purpose.  Good learning experience, but I'm
    surprised that some type of solution wasn't part of the plan from

    I understand that BSD's "vfork" solves this problem, as opposed to
    "fork" (which ISHELL uses).

Peter W. Morreale                   
Nat'l Center for Atmos. Research, Scientific Computing Division       
morreale at ncar.ucar.edu  (303) 497-1293

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