"vi" & Supercomputer Performance

Sean Fagan seanf at sco.COM
Thu Oct 11 20:03:04 AEST 1990

In article <boylanr.655424875 at silver> boylanr at silver.ucs.indiana.edu (ross boylan) writes:
>I recall that some documentation from NCSA (Crays under UNICOS) said
>that it was OK to run emacs; it didn't degrade system performance.

Ah, yes, Crays:  machines where a 1-2Mb EMACS process is considered small.

It isn't that the emacs didn't degrade performance, it was that it was found
that using emacs (or other editors, for that matter) locally on the cray was
more efficient in *programmer time* than ftp'ing the file from the cray,
editing locally on your workstation, and ftp'ing it back.  And, yes,
programmer time is still very expensive.

Sean Eric Fagan  | "Never knock on Death's door:  ring the bell and 
seanf at sco.COM    |   run away!  Death really hates that!"
uunet!sco!seanf  |     -- Dr. Mike Stratford (Matt Frewer, "Doctor, Doctor")
(408) 458-1422   | Any opinions expressed are my own, not my employers'.

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