bug in csh and problem with rsh in ISC 386/ix

fritz zaucker fritzz at lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu
Tue Nov 28 11:06:43 AEST 1989

Insteed of only asking (stupid?) questions I'll try to give a useful
(but may be known) information to ISC users.

/bin/csh  contains a bug. According to the manual a C-Shell script is
identified by a # as the very first character in the file and /bin/csh
should be run to process it. That doesn't work, /bin/sh is run insteed.
You have to put in the first line
#! /bin/csh
to get /bin/csh called. Not a big thing, but worth to know I think.


There are two rsh commands, one is the restricted shell /bin/rsh, the other
is /usr/ucb/rsh for a remote shell. I found that out when I changed the
search order of my path to search /bin first and then /usr/ucb. The manual
says that one should link /usr/ucb/rsh to another name like rshell, ok that's
a way to do it, but it is somehow not standard and people used to Suns
would not be able to guess the new name. It is possible to search /usr/ucb
first and say /bin/rsh explicitly if one needs it, but it's not nice and
one has to know this too.

That's it
Fritz Zaucker

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