Pic on ISC's 386/ix 2.0.2 locks system hard.

Larry Williamson larry at focsys.uucp
Tue Nov 28 07:39:54 AEST 1989

In article <LARRY.89Nov27150018 at focsys.uucp> I wrote:

: When ever anyone here runs pic (DWB 2.0), our system would lock up
: so hard, that the only recourse was to power off the computer. I had
: to remove pic.
: If it makes any difference, I'm using the latest version of jetroff
: (2.6), the system has a 387 installed, and no other program gives us
: grief like this. On our previous system (386/ix 1.0.6), I tried pic
: outside of jetroff (ie. pic <dangerous_file >/tmp/please_reboot) and
: the lockup would still occur.

I'm pretty sure that Jetroff is not the trouble, running pic alone on
the command line still causes trouble (ie. pic <x.mm >y.tmp). But,
what does seem to be a part of the trouble is the 387! On another
machine here, one without the 387, but otherwise the much the same,
pic runs fine.


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