
Michael S. Protofanousis protofan at motcid.UUCP
Tue Jul 3 01:19:50 AEST 1990

I have ISC 2.0.2 and am looking for a public domain ksh...

I have tried bash (latest patches applied) yet it still "hangs" my
machine by locking up the keyboard; I can't even switch to another
virtual terminal.

If by any chance someone is using a version of bash that works or has
a version of ksh I would like to hear about it.

Any info on ftp sites for public domain unix '386 software would also be 

Finally, I would also like to know where to get binaries for X-Windows
supporting VGA   or the 800x600 mode of the Logix VGA1000 (Tseng chip).


 Michael Protofanousis 708-632-6779 
 proto at gagme.chi.il.us  

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