SLIP for ix386

the hacker freiss at nixpbe.UUCP
Tue Jun 26 16:24:15 AEST 1990

(My abject apologies if this has already been discussed recently).

these past few days, I've been looking at ix386 Version 2.0.2 and
trying to find a way to do SLIP (serial line IP) with it. If I'm not
mistaken, the TCP/IP package offers drivers only for some few
well known Ethernetboards, but not for SLIP.

1) Am I being exceptionally dumb today (meaning have I overlooked
   something obvious and there *is* a SLIP driver) ?

2) Does anybody have SLIP up and running and can give me pointers
   as to where to get it and how to configure it into the kernel?
   Btw, I know about KA9Q's NOS and other software that will give
   me SLIP capabilities, but I really would prefer something linked
   into the kernel so that I can use un*x's other TCP/IP resources
   (rlogin , ftp, whatever) over SLIP.

I'll be thankful for any help I can get. Please reply by email,
I'll summarize to the net if there's enough interest.

Thanks, Martin

Martin Freiss                   freiss.pad at
Nixdorf Computer AG, Germany

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