Serial I/O

DoN Nichols ceilidh!dnichols at
Wed Dec 12 03:01:22 AEST 1990

"Paul de Bra says:"
> In article <1990Nov26.092137.5629 at oilean.uucp> joe at oilean.uucp (Joe McGuckin) writes:
> >I have an application that needs to send/receive stuff from a serial port in
> >an async. manner. I know that Unix's tip forks a seperate processes for sending
> >and receiving chars...
> Look at the source for kermit (public domain).
> As far as i know it does everything with only one process.

	As far as I know, kermit does fork an extra process for copying
characters back to the terminal while conversing with the other end.  When
kermit is doing a transfer, it needs to know the answers, and, I believe,
kills the other process.  This is based on what I remember of VERY old
source code for kermit (It was about three or four source files then), and
on seeing two kermits when doing a ps while kermit was running on another

	At kermit's present size, I just look at enough code to get it
working on whatever system I'm using at the moment.

Donald Nichols (DoN.)		| Voice (Days):	(703) 664-1585
D&D Data			| Voice (Eves):	(703) 938-4564
Disclaimer: from here - None	| Email:     <dnichols at>
	--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---

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