Host up but won't respond to pings?

Roy Smith roy at
Tue Nov 27 14:21:56 AEST 1990

	Can anybody think of any reason why a host would stop responding to
pings?  I've got a Vax-11/750 running MtXinu 4.3 BSD/NFS that's been up for
54 days and suddenly stopped responding to pings.  Everything else works; I
can telnet to and from it, nntp, smtp, nfs, rlogin, etc, all seem to be
working fine.  It just won't answer pings.  I can ping other hosts from it,
but I can't ping it.  Even attempts to ping localhost fail.  Spooky.

	This happened once before, a year or two ago.  I didn't figure it
out then either.  Anybody have any ideas?
Roy Smith, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016
roy at -OR- {att,cmcl2,rutgers,hombre}!phri!roy
"Arcane?  Did you say arcane?  It wouldn't be Unix if it wasn't arcane!"

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