Finding Passwords

Peter Wemm wemmp at cutmcvax.OZ
Mon Oct 8 19:47:05 AEST 1990

Just a thought on all this trojan/spoofing stuff... what about if the
spoffer opens a tty/pty that just transfers characters between master/slave
and the process catches all data passing through containing the lines
'login:' or 'password'.  I think it can.  That way it could run a fake
getty/REAL login or perhaps even both of the real programs!! It would
be in-detectable except that if the user typed 'tty' they would
be on ttyp? instead of the normal line.  Again, this requires physical access
to the terminal or line.

Just a thought.......

ACSnet: wemmp at cutmcvax.oz
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------- Who me?? That?? No, That is just terminal line noise!! --------

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