VOTE: voting continues on comp.unix.wizards

Dan Mick dan at kfw.COM
Sun Oct 21 09:08:58 AEST 1990

In article <18609 at> jfh at (John F. Haugh II) writes (in response to Eliot Lear):

>You and the rest of the people who claim I am violating the guidelines
>have repeatedly been asked to mail me your favorite version of the
>guidelines so that I can point out, item by item, how I have adhered
>to the absolute letter of the guidelines.  As I have repeatedly pointed
>out, the guidelines =require= very few specific actions, although they
>=suggest= quite a few.  It is not a violation of any guideline not to
>follow a suggestion, and your statements that I am violating any
>unstated requirement are pure electioneering on your part.

So, you're saying that if I tell you "you shouldn't touch that 220 line"
or "It would be a bad idea to touch that 220 line" or "I don't think you
should touch that 220 line", you'd go ahead and touch it, because I 
didn't say "Don't touch that 220 line"?

For Ghu's sake, grow up.  You've certainly ruined your chances of *me*
taking you seriously, Mr. Haugh, and I can't believe I'm alone.

There *is* no "law" on Usenet; you know that as well as anyone, as you're
exploiting that fact repeatedly.  Why you keep up with this ridiculous
rabbinical debate when there is obviously nothing *but* "suggestions" and
"guidelines" that we've all implicitly agreed to is beyond me.

The only conclusion I find is that you are a selfish bastard with no concept
of fairness, and will stop at nothing, including attempts at confusing the
issue at hand, to get Your Own Way.  That's acting like a three-year-old,
man, and that's exactly what it looks like, too.

Start your own frigging network, and open your own frigging 
'comp.unix.wizards', and sit around and pat yourself on your self-aggrandizing
shoulder for being so clever and so wizardly...but keep this fucking pissing
contest out of what used to be a useful newsgroup.

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