du(1) returns funny sizes

Paul Anderson paul at cs.edinburgh.ac.uk
Fri Oct 5 21:43:49 AEST 1990

I have seen this problem between Suns and a Pyramid.
It seems that du works out the sizes using the st_blocks field of the stat
structure, but different system have different ideas about what constitutes
a "block". I have not managed to find any definitive answer to what a "block"
should be - If I remember correctly, Suns assume it to 512 fixed, always, but
other systems treat it as some property of the filesystem.

Paul Anderson                      JANET: paul at uk.ac.ed.lfcs
LFCS, Dept. of Computer Science    UUCP:  ..!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!paul	
University of Edinburgh            ARPA:  paul%lfcs.ed.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK.             Tel:   031-667-1081 Ext 2788

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