I have a file named "-"

Paul Chamberlain tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com
Thu Feb 28 01:40:29 AEST 1991

I'm probably not the first or the last to point this out...

pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul Falstad) writes:
>If you have a file that simply has a '/' in it, you can just ...
>   rm "/"
>But a file with a - in it takes special handling.  [C programs?!]

I hope it's completely obvious that this is way out in left field.
Both of these are probably covered in the FAQ but briefly:
	a filename with "/" is difficult and has been discussed at length.
		I think it requires a "clri", editing the disk, or
		unlinking the parent directory.
	a filename with "-" can be accessed or removed by using "./-"

Paul Chamberlain | I do NOT speak for IBM.          IBM VNET: PAULCC AT AUSTIN
512/838-9662     | ...!cs.utexas.edu!ibmchs!auschs!doorstop.austin.ibm.com!tif

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