Distributed UNIX(R)....

Saumen K Dutta skdutta at cs.tamu.edu
Wed Feb 20 06:41:26 AEST 1991

I am planning to write an application which will enable 
distributed computing in the unix operating system. The
environment available is 50-60 sun 4's and other machines
with NFS. The facilities should include load-sharing, and/or
process migration. I would like to know whether such a software
or something similar is available in pd and what are the issues
in the design of such a system. 

S.K. Dutta

     _                                   ||Internet: skdutta at cssun.tamu.edu  
    (   /_     _ /   --/-/- _            ||Bitnet : skd8107 at tamvenus.bitnet 
   __)_/(_____(_/_(_/_(_(__(_/_______    ||Uucp : uunet!cssun.tamu.edu!skdutta
                                 ..      ||Yellnet: (409) 846-8803

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