Xwindows --> Copying a window to another workstation.

Mark Bradakis mjb%hoosier.utah.edu at cs.utah.edu
Thu Jan 17 10:55:28 AEST 1991

I think it is Brown University which has worked on "xmx" which allows
one server to open multiple output-only windows.  I haven't looked at the
stuff yet, I have just heard of it.

Brown sez:

		    X M X    An X Protocol Multiplexor

Version 1.0

XMX is an X protocol multiplexor.  It is a standalone utility for displaying
an X Windows session on multiple displays.  XMX takes advantage of the
networked nature of the X Window System by tapping the communication link
between an X client and an X server.  In this way, XMX works with any
X clients and any X servers, without the need to modify either.


XMX was written by

John Bazik
Dept. of Computer Science, Box 1910
Brown University
Providence, RI  02912

(401) 863-7600
jsb at cs.brown.edu
jsb at browncs.bitnet

"I'll wear dark glasses, maybe a toupee,
 I'll get down and boogie, become risque"

                                                         mjb at hoosier.utah.edu

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