Shared Libraries YO!!!

Peter da Silva peter at
Fri Jun 28 03:48:10 AEST 1991

In article <349 at> mohta at (Masataka Ohta) writes:
> But, amount of distributed storage dose not matter so much. Announcement,
> provision, installation and customer support cost much more than media
> especially with CDROMs.

So, you distribute all the third-party and local software on that CDROM as
well? Or do you think people should only run software provided by their
hardware vendor?

The Amiga uses shared libraries extensively, and with each release programs
were updated behind their backs to maintain the latest features of the
operating system. For example, in 2.0 the appearance and behaviour of scroll
bars was changed, and all Amiga programs automagically started using the new
scrollbars. Including third-party and locally written software.

> You can do bug fixes and performance enhancements at *every* release without
> losing transparency.

In your widgets? So your expensive third-party software benefits?
Peter da Silva; Ferranti International Controls Corporation; +1 713 274 5180;
Sugar Land, TX  77487-5012;         `-_-' "Have you hugged your wolf, today?"

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