NFS vs communications meduim (was slashes, then NFS devices)

Rick Jones raj at
Fri Mar 22 15:07:46 AEST 1991

In addition to paying close attention to b's and B's, I have also
decided to take what ftp says as merely a best guess for the transfer
rate. If you transfer a small enough file on a fast enough system, one
can see ftp report transfer rates of 3-4 MB/s (closely watched b's and
B's ;-) on an *ethernet*  ;-) ;-) ;-)

Just about any new WS worth it's silicon should be able to go memory
to memory at full ethernet speeds using TCP...

rick jones

___   _  ___
|__) /_\  |    Richard Anders Jones   | HP-UX   Networking   Performance
| \_/   \_/    Hewlett-Packard  Co.   | "It's so fast, that _______" ;-)
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