How do I get remote socket number?

William E. White bwhite at
Tue May 21 08:02:43 AEST 1991

Hate to interrupt the ongoing discussion of shared libraries, but ...

I've got a little problem here.  Basically we have a few different flavors
of switches/servers that give connection reports using widely varying
protocols.  But that's not the problem. 

The problem is this.  Let's say joeblow at is logging in from 
terminal #12 in room 422 in building X.  The trace is as follows (in this
example, is a terminal server).

X:422:12  ->  Develcon port 9  -> port 8  ->

is a small matter of programming.  However, I can't trace any further than
the host machine.

I *can* do the trace by hand.  In this example, if I do a netstat, I know
for example that ->

is the corresponding connection (why?  because socket 7176 is 1c08 in hex;
the last byte is the port number on the terminal server).

So, what I need to be able to do is, have some kind of report program
which will tell what a user's remote socket is.  For example, in this case
joeblow is connected to on remote socket 7176.  I can get the
remote *host* from utmp; but not the remote socket.  Ideally this program
would be run everytime someone logged in and out, sending a small report
off to the central logging system giving the username, the remote host, and
the remote host's socket.

I've been galloping through the netstat code, but my kernel knowledge is
pretty close to nil.  Obviously this information is kept *somewhere*, as
telnetd and rlogind both use it to know where to route stuff.

Any ideas?  Please email responses.

|  Bill White   +1-614-594-3434 |  bwhite at (normal)  |
|  Standard login hours:        |  bwhite at (alternate)  |
|   1-3,5-7PM EST M-F (oucsace) |  more info via `finger bwhite at view...' |

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