security for large sites

Dan Farmer df at
Tue Sep 18 00:22:02 AEST 1990

   Yes, it's the "S" word.  I know you don't want to think about, much
less talk about it.  But I'd like to hear what you do at your site about
security.  Problems and solutions that you have dealing with multiple
architectures, getting security patches out to all of your machines, security
audits and auditing software, etc.
  Tools -- what kind of security tools do you want/need?  Do you use any
tools to sweep for known holes or problems?  Do you want to see such tools
made publically available, as in, say, posted to the net?  If any of you use
COPS, are there things you'd like to see changed, or tuned for large sites?
Ok... thanks.  Now you can go back to your tapes and optical disks and backups
and stuff.

 df at

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