AT&T 386 UNIX Vr3.1

Clarence Dold cdold at starfish.Convergent.COM
Tue Aug 30 02:16:33 AEST 1988

>From article <171 at banzai.UUCP>, by john at banzai.UUCP (John Canning):
> In article <145 at carpet.WLK.COM> bill at carpet.WLK.COM (Bill Kennedy) writes:
>>AT&T's uugetty doesn't get into debates with an intelligent modem who wants
>>to talk about answering the phone.
>     However, uugetty is not smart enough to program the modem when you
>     first turn the system on.  You must first call a bogus number before
>     the modem will be set to answer.
You could always run a little script from *rc:

cu -t -l tty001<<Q
~!sleep 1
~!sleep 1
~!sleep 1

But even that is unnecessary if you have DTR driven by the system, and leave
the modem set for auto-answer.  The modem I've used won't answer if DTR is low.
DTR shouldn't go high until uugetty is started.  That way, the modem doesn't
answer if the system isn't up, but always answers if the system is up.

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