Should I or Shouldn't I buy Microport Unix?

The Unix Blizzard connors at uvm-gen.UUCP
Tue Mar 29 07:01:49 AEST 1988

I have been reading this newsgroup for sometime.  I need a decent Unix
to run a 386 or 286 box.  I will beginning a CS grad program where I will
need to do lex, yacc, ...  I live too far from school to use their machines.
Will this Unix fit the bill?  I won't be doing any heavy graphics or really
weird drivers, or text formatting, or floating point.

Is it worth it?  I have some resources, but low upper bound on the bucks.
Does it run better on certain systems?  Which ones?  Should I have a math
coprocessor?  How big of a disk?  I am starting with a clean slate, a
blank piece of paper, ...

Please e-mail me your suggestions, reccomendations, snide remarks :-), et al

Do I have to tell my wife that she will be a computer widow for a few months?


 John M. Connors      	Path: {linus,ihnp4,decvax}!dartvax!uvm-gen!connors
 Rokeby  RD #1         *BitNet: jconnors at uvmvm, UUCP: connors at uvm-gen.uucp
 Ferrisburg, VT 05456 	CSNET : connors at 

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