patches to Microemacs, Jove

Charles Hedrick hedrick at
Sun May 29 11:24:44 AEST 1988

This posting contains patches to update porting information I
gave some time ago for Microemacs 3.9e and the recently-released
version of Jove.  It applies to Uport SV/AT 2.3.  

The first patch is to jove.  It speeds up interactive response
noticably.  The original version set things so that the program is
activated when you type a buffer-full of characters, or after 1/10
sec.  If you type characters one at a time, this means there is a
delay of 1/10 of a second before echo.  If you type fast, you see them
echo in groups.  1/10 second is long enough to feel noticeably slow.
The patch causes the program to activate immediately.  If you have a
multi-user system, this could increase the load, since it means that
the display calculations are now done for every character.  For very
slow systems it might even be that there isn't enough CPU to do the
display management for every character.  But with an AT that isn't a
problem.  I'd guess that the patch is appropriate for most cases.
The diff gives that patch only.  It is independent of the diffs
I posted previously.

The second patch is a new version of the diff for Microemacs
display.c.  This is a diff between the version from comp.unix.sources
and my current version.  (I.e. it duplicates the changes I posted
originally.)  It handles three issues: (1) I am now using (at least
some of the time) Merge286.  The Merge kernel is older than the normal
2.3.  The console terminal support uses a software cursor (i.e.  a
whole block in reverse video) instead of a hardware cursor (a blinking
underbar).  My patches to Microemacs included using direct
memory-mapped I/O for the screen.  Unfortunately, when the software
cursor is in use, this means that the display code has to recreate the
cursor when it rewrites the line on which the cursor is sitting.  Thus
the new version of this code has a test for detecting whether a
software cursor is in use, and if so does the appropriate thing.  This
version should work on both the Merge and regular kernels, since it
does test at runtime whether the patch is needed.  Other changes since
my last posting are (2) I am now using an EGA display.  Thus I have
changed the default colors to black on white instead of white on
black, and black on green for the mode line.  If you don't want this
(and I do not recommend the change on monochrome displays that aren't
white or on low-resolution color displays), simply omit the changes
involving the numbers 0 and 7.  In theory you can set colors in the
startup file, but they don't affect the screens created initially, so
the startup file turns out not to be enough.  (3) Because EGA uses a
different area for display memory, the magic number passed to shmget
has changed.  The version here is appropriate for EGA.  For a
monochrome adapter you would still use 0xb0000.  And of course the
matching call to shmcreate must be uncommented in /etc/rc.d/shm.rc.
The whole idea of using memory-mapped I/O may be a bit questionable,
since it makes the program so dependent upon the particular release
and hardware.  (That's why I put in under a conditional.)  But it does
provide noticeably faster response.

*** jove.c.ORIG	Sat Apr 30 19:05:07 1988
--- jove.c	Sat May 28 01:30:38 1988
*** 627,634
  	sg2.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR|ICRNL|IGNCR);
  	sg2.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG|ICANON|ECHO);
  	sg2.c_oflag &= ~(OCRNL|ONLCR);
! 	sg2.c_cc[VMIN] = sizeof smbuf;
! 	sg2.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
  	TABS = !(sg1.sg_flags & XTABS);
  	ospeed = sg1.sg_ospeed;

--- 658,670 -----
  	sg2.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR|ICRNL|IGNCR);
  	sg2.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG|ICANON|ECHO);
  	sg2.c_oflag &= ~(OCRNL|ONLCR);
! /*
!  *	sg2.c_cc[VMIN] = sizeof smbuf;
!  *	sg2.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
!  */
! 	sg2.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
! 	sg2.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
  	TABS = !(sg1.sg_flags & XTABS);
  	ospeed = sg1.sg_ospeed;

*** ../original/display.c	Sun Feb  7 03:00:31 1988
--- display.c	Sat May 28 20:28:16 1988
*** 31,36
  #if	MEMMAP == 0
  VIDEO   **pscreen;                      /* Physical screen. */
   * Initialize the data structures used by the display code. The edge vectors

--- 31,40 -----
  #if	MEMMAP == 0
  VIDEO   **pscreen;                      /* Physical screen. */
+ char *shmaddr;
+ int softcursor = 0;
+ #endif
   * Initialize the data structures used by the display code. The edge vectors
*** 44,49
      register int i;
      register VIDEO *vp;
      char *malloc();
      TTopen();		/* open the screen */
      TTkopen();		/* open the keyboard */

--- 48,56 -----
      register int i;
      register VIDEO *vp;
      char *malloc();
+     extern char *shmat();
+     int shmid = shmget(0xb8000, 32768, 0);
      shmaddr = shmat (shmid, (char *)0);
*** 45,50
      register VIDEO *vp;
      char *malloc();
      TTopen();		/* open the screen */
      TTkopen();		/* open the keyboard */

--- 52,60 -----
      extern char *shmat();
      int shmid = shmget(0xb8000, 32768, 0);
+     shmaddr = shmat (shmid, (char *)0);
+ #endif
      TTopen();		/* open the screen */
      TTkopen();		/* open the keyboard */
*** 69,76
  	vp->v_flag = 0;
  #if	COLOR
! 	vp->v_rfcolor = 7;
! 	vp->v_rbcolor = 0;
          vscreen[i] = vp;
  #if	MEMMAP == 0

--- 79,86 -----
  	vp->v_flag = 0;
  #if	COLOR
! 	vp->v_rfcolor = 0;
! 	vp->v_rbcolor = 7;
          vscreen[i] = vp;
  #if	MEMMAP == 0
*** 172,179
      register VIDEO      *vp;
      vp = vscreen[vtrow];
!     while (vtcol < term.t_ncol)
!         vp->v_text[vtcol++] = ' ';
  /* upscreen:	user routine to force a screen update

--- 182,189 -----
      register VIDEO      *vp;
      vp = vscreen[vtrow];
! 	for (;vtcol < term.t_ncol; vtcol++)
!         vp->v_text[vtcol] = ' ';
  /* upscreen:	user routine to force a screen update
*** 244,249
  	/* update the virtual screen to the physical screen */
  	/* update the cursor and flush the buffers */

--- 254,262 -----
  	/* update the virtual screen to the physical screen */
+ 	TTflush();
+ #endif
  	/* update the cursor and flush the buffers */
*** 483,488
  	movecursor(0, 0);		 /* Erase the screen. */
  	sgarbf = FALSE;			 /* Erase-page clears */
  	mpresf = FALSE;			 /* the message area. */
  #if	COLOR

--- 496,513 -----
  	movecursor(0, 0);		 /* Erase the screen. */
+ /* if software cursor is in use, the screen image will show different
+  * attributes for 0,0 and others, since the cursor is now in 0,0
+  * and everything else has been cleared
+  */
+ 	TTflush();
+ 	if (*(shmaddr+1) == *(shmaddr+3))
+ 		softcursor = 0;
+ 	else
+ 		softcursor = 1;
+ #endif
  	sgarbf = FALSE;			 /* Erase-page clears */
  	mpresf = FALSE;			 /* the message area. */
  #if	COLOR
*** 567,573
  #if	COLOR
! 	scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, vp1->v_rfcolor, vp1->v_rbcolor);
  	vp1->v_fcolor = vp1->v_rfcolor;
  	vp1->v_bcolor = vp1->v_rbcolor;

--- 592,601 -----
  #if	COLOR
! 	if (vp1->v_flag & VFREQ)
! 		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, vp1->v_rbcolor, vp1->v_rfcolor);
! 	else
! 		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, vp1->v_rfcolor, vp1->v_rbcolor);
  	vp1->v_fcolor = vp1->v_rfcolor;
  	vp1->v_bcolor = vp1->v_rbcolor;
*** 572,579
  	vp1->v_bcolor = vp1->v_rbcolor;
  	if (vp1->v_flag & VFREQ)
- 		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 0, 7);
- 	else
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 7, 0);
  	vp1->v_flag &= ~(VFCHG | VFCOL);	/* flag this line as changed */

--- 600,605 -----
  	vp1->v_bcolor = vp1->v_rbcolor;
  	if (vp1->v_flag & VFREQ)
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 7, 0);
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 0, 7);
*** 575,580
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 0, 7);
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 7, 0);
  	vp1->v_flag &= ~(VFCHG | VFCOL);	/* flag this line as changed */

--- 601,608 -----
  	if (vp1->v_flag & VFREQ)
  		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 7, 0);
+ 	else
+ 		scwrite(row, vp1->v_text, 0, 7);
  	vp1->v_flag &= ~(VFCHG | VFCOL);	/* flag this line as changed */
*** 580,585
  updateline(row, vp1, vp2)

--- 608,645 -----
+ #if UPORT
+ /*
+  * There is no special module for Microport SysV, as this is the only
+  * system-dependent code for it.
+  */
+ scwrite(row, cp1, fg, bg)
+   int row, fg, bg;
+   register char *cp1;
+ {
+     register char *cp2;
+     register int nch;
+     cp2 = shmaddr + (160 * row);
+     for (nch = 0; nch < term.t_ncol; nch++) {
+ 	*cp2 = *cp1;
+ 	cp2++;
+ 	cp1++;
+ 	*cp2 = bg << 4 | fg;
+ 	cp2++;
+     }	
+ /* this seems to apply only to the Merge kernel, which uses
+  * software cursor.  For hardware cursor (the underbar), this
+  * is most definitely not appropriate
+  */
+     if ((softcursor != 0) && (row == ttrow)) {
+ 	cp2 = shmaddr + (160 * row) + (2 * ttcol) + 1;
+ 	*cp2 = ((*cp2 >> 4) & 0xf) | (*cp2 << 4);
+     }
+ }
+ #endif
  updateline(row, vp1, vp2)
*** 766,773
      n = wp->w_toprow+wp->w_ntrows;      	/* Location. */
      vscreen[n]->v_flag |= VFCHG | VFREQ | VFCOL;/* Redraw next time. */
  #if	COLOR
!     vscreen[n]->v_rfcolor = 0;			/* black on */
!     vscreen[n]->v_rbcolor = 7;			/* white.....*/
      vtmove(n, 0);                       	/* Seek to right line. */
      if (wp == curwp)				/* mark the current buffer */

--- 826,833 -----
      n = wp->w_toprow+wp->w_ntrows;      	/* Location. */
      vscreen[n]->v_flag |= VFCHG | VFREQ | VFCOL;/* Redraw next time. */
  #if	COLOR
!     vscreen[n]->v_rfcolor = 2;			/* black on */
!     vscreen[n]->v_rbcolor = 0;			/* white.....*/
      vtmove(n, 0);                       	/* Seek to right line. */
      if (wp == curwp)				/* mark the current buffer */
*** 918,925
  #if	COLOR
!      TTforg(7);
!      TTbacg(0);
      if (eolexist == TRUE)

--- 978,985 -----
  #if	COLOR
!      TTforg(0);
!      TTbacg(7);
      if (eolexist == TRUE)
*** 957,964
  #if	COLOR
  	/* set up the proper colors for the command line */
! 	TTforg(7);
! 	TTbacg(0);
  	/* if we can not erase to end-of-line, do it manually */

--- 1017,1024 -----
  #if	COLOR
  	/* set up the proper colors for the command line */
! 	TTforg(0);
! 	TTbacg(7);
  	/* if we can not erase to end-of-line, do it manually */

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