resetting terminal modes: further note on my termcap entry

Charles Hedrick hedrick at
Sun May 29 12:59:32 AEST 1988

I should mention that the termcap entry I posted assumes you are on a
color terminal and want normal text to be black on white, and
highlighted text black on green.  If you are just looking for helping
in resetting funny modes, just look at the is2 string.  If you want to
duplicate my color scheme, you will want to arrange to set up the
default color scheme.  I do it in the prompt.  My normal prompt is
"^[[46;30mpc>^[[47;30m ", where ^[ is the ESCAPE char, \033. (This is
"pc> " in black on cyan, reverting to black on white at the end.)  I
also arrange to change the prompt to black on red when I su, and to
use different colors on each of the 4 console screens.

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