More Info on Console Driver Bug

Brian Cuthie brian at cbw1.UUCP
Thu Nov 3 02:13:05 AEST 1988

In article <321 at sdti.UUCP> mjy at sdti.UUCP (Michael J. Young) writes:
>I have some more information on the console driver bug that I reported
>in a previous article (the one where the keyboard seemed to hang after
>messing around with CTRL-S/CTRL-Q).
>I was able to put an extra terminal on /dev/ttyM0 and poke around after
>things got hung.  The kernel is still running correctly afterthe keyboard
>hangs, and the console process is waiting (WCHAN) at 0x2287a72 (kd_tty)
>normally.  When I kill the console process, the getty login prompt appears,
>but the cursor is blinking funny as though unprinting characters are
>being continually written to the screen.  Then suddenly "Password:" appears
>(getty thinks someone is logging in, even though I haven't touched the
>keyboard), and things hang up again.  In other words, the keyboard is
>frotzed, and the kernel works fine on serial ports.
>Resetting the machine doesn't always work.  The keyboard is hung.  When
>this happens, only cycling the power does any good.
>I can't be absolutely sure that the keyboard itself is not at fault, although
>it seems passing strange that this failure mode appeared precisely when I
>installed 2.4.  Has anyone else seen problems?
>By the way, I'm using an Acer 900 10Mhz AT clone, which I know is supported
>by Microport.
>Mike Young
>Software Development Technologies, Inc., Sudbury MA       Tel: +1 508 443 5779
>Internet: mjy at                 UUCP: {harvard,mit-eddie}!sdti!mjy

I have experienced EXACTLY (I mean to the letter) the same problem with the
V/386 3.0e release.  This is clearly a new bug in the new kd driver.  I have
found some additional modes which cause it to hang.  It is sometimes
possible to reset the keyboard by just unplugging it.  This, however,
will not fix the ctrl-s/ctrl-q hang.


(hope this will post...)

Brian D. Cuthie                                 uunet!umbc3!cbw1!brian
Columbia, MD                                    brian at

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