43 lines and modems???

Wietse Z. Venema wietse at wzv.win.tue.nl
Sun Jul 9 05:48:25 AEST 1989

cassidy at cdp.UUCP writes:

>Can anyone tell me how to send an initialization string to a hayes type modem
>on the system boot-up? I need to have the system send a AT S0=1 so it'll let
>folks call this system. 

You can try do that with kermit, using the following single line in

r2:2:once:echo 'set line xxx\nset baud yyy\nscript ~0 ats0=1 OK -- atm OK\nexit' | kermit >/dev/null 2>&1

For xxx and yyy one should substitute the proper tty port and baud rate,
respectively.  Alternatively, the tty port and baud-rate setting can
be specified in /.kermrc instead.

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