Wanted: Software or recommendations: mail-order, or shipping for AT

J.WINER jwi at lzfme.att.com
Mon Jul 10 23:37:14 AEST 1989

In article <1995 at cbnewsh.ATT.COM>, cab at cbnewsh.ATT.COM (CAB) writes:
> If anyone can recommend software, running under dos,
> xenix, or microport SV/AT for managing mail-orders and shipping,
> I would like to hear from them.

***** From CATALOG AGE Magazine

TeleMOM (Telemarketing/Mail Order Manager)
Data Absolute
Box 784
Nevada City, CA 95959
(916) 265-4779
512K + HD

CAM System
Computer Automated Marketing Systems, Inc.
99 West St.
P.O. Box 500
Medfield, MA 02052
(617) 359-4017
32 users, 16 printers (Novell & others)

MOMe (Mail Order Management Expert)
International Software Technology, Inc.
1112 Seventh Ave
Monroe, WI 53566
(800) 633-4748, (608) 328-8870
PC or compatible
384K + HD
Single or Novell & others
$1,995 Single, $2,995 Networked

The Mail Order Wizard
The Haven Corporation
802 Madison Ave
Evanston, IL 60202
(800) 782-8278, (312) 869-3434

The Dydacomp Mail Order Manager
Dydacomp Development System
P.O. Box 641
Wayne, NJ 07407
(201) 694-0779
XT/AT 640K
$895 Single, $1,995 Network

***** See CATALOG AGE, March 1989 for detailled reviews of the above
***** software. See CATALOG AGE, May 1989 for detailled reviews of the
***** following software. Extracted from articles by Ernest H. Schell

RESPONSE Professional Mail Order Management Software
CoLinear Systems, Inc.
2814 New Spring Road, Suite 217
Atlanta, GA 30339
(404) 433-3217
$1,195+ Single, Network available

***** CATALOG AGE is free to qualified. Sorry, I do not have
***** subscription information available at the office.

Jim Winer ..!lzfme!jwi (Usually unable to reply to email outside AT&T)

Those persons who advocate censorship offend my religion.

Upuaut:	a wolf-headed Egyptian deity | Voodoo: the art of sticking ideas
	assigned as Guidance System  |         into people and watching
	for the Barque of Ra.        |         them bleed.

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