V/AT inode bug

Wayne H Cox wayne at i-core.UUCP
Thu Jun 15 11:20:23 AEST 1989

  Well, I finally gave up and did something about the inode bug that exists
in Microport System V/AT UNIX.

  Two months ago, I had a major crash on my news file system.  I spent
several hours repairing it with 'fsck' and 'fsdb'.  When I was finished, I
spent a couple of hours making sure that I would never again enjoy such
fun.  Below are the results of my effort.  I have been running this patch
for two months, and not a single squeak out of the inode list.

  I am using release 2.4 of the OS, your mileage may vary.

  You must have the software development system and the link kit from
Microport to use this patch.

  Working from a previous posting by twwells!bill that included an assembly
listing of the affected areas:

> The following is relevant code from the disassembly:
> define(`NICINOD',       100)
> define(`s_ninode',      212(%edi))      # short  number of i-nodes in s_inode
> define(`s_inode',       214(%edi))      # ushort free i-node list
> define(`s_tinode',      436(%edi))      # ushort total free inodes
> .readinodes:    .0xFC
> 	movw    s_tinode,%ax    / check to see that there are some free inodes
> 	testw   %ax,%ax
> 	je      .noinodes       / no, branch to the error handler
> 	movw    $NICINOD,s_ninode / this is the number of inodes we can read
> 	movzwl  s_inode,%eax    / the first inode to read from the disk
> ...
> .0x209:
> 	movw    s_ninode,%ax    / did we get enough inodes for the cache?
>	testw   %ax,%ax
>	jle     .0x236          / yes, proceed
>	leal    s_inode,%eax    / this is the address of the inode table
>	movswl  s_ninode,%edx   / this is how many inodes we couldn't get
>	decl    %edx            / stick a zero before the inodes to force
>	movw    $0,(%eax,%edx,2) / a reread when they are all used up
>	movw    $0,s_inode      / zero the first inode in the cache
> .0x236:
>	movswl  s_ninode,%eax   / if no inodes were read into the cache
>	cmpl    $NICINOD,%eax
>	je      .noinodes       / fail due to lack no inodes
>	movw    $NICINOD,s_ninode / otherwise set the cache pointer to its end
>	jmp     .0x2C5          / and then go back to allocating

  I began by extracting alloc.o from lib1 in the linkkit files.  I ran a
name list from the object file to locate the start and end of the routine
called 'ialloc'.  I ran a dis-assembly on the object file and removed
assorted cruft with an editor.  This is what I came up with:

	 352:  c8 18 00 00            enter  $0x18,$0x0
	 356:  ff 76 06               push   0x6(%bp)
	 359:  9a a4 06 60 00         lcall  0x060,0x6a4
	 35e:  44                     inc    %sp
	 35f:  44                     inc    %sp
	 360:  89 46 fc               mov    %ax,0xfc(%bp)
	 363:  89 56 fe               mov    %dx,0xfe(%bp)
	 366:  e9 32 02               jmp    0x232 <59b>
	 369:  6a 0a                  push   $0xa
	 36b:  8b 46 fc               mov    0xfc(%bp),%ax
	 36e:  05 9b 01               add    $0x19b,%ax
	 371:  ff 76 fe               push   0xfe(%bp)
	 374:  50                     push   %ax
	 375:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 37a:  83 c4 06               add    $0x6,%sp
	 37d:  e9 1b 02               jmp    0x21b <59b>
	 380:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 383:  f7 84 d0 00 ff ff      test   $0xffff,0x0d0(%si)
	 389:  7f 03                  jg     0x3 <38e>		; Read inodes
	 38b:  e9 c2 00               jmp    0x0c2 <450>


	 556:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 55b:  83 c4 04               add    $0x4,%sp
	 55e:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 561:  f7 84 d0 00 ff ff      test   $0xffff,0x0d0(%si)
	 567:  7e 1f                  jle    0x1f <588>
	 569:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 56c:  8b b4 d0 00            mov    0x0d0(%si),%si
	 570:  4e                     dec    %si
	 571:  d1 e6                  shl    %si
	 573:  03 76 fc               add    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 576:  8e 5e fe               mov    0xfe(%bp),%ds
	 579:  c7 84 d2 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d2(%si)
	 57f:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 582:  c7 84 d2 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d2(%si)
	 588:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 58b:  83 bc d0 00 64         cmp    $0x64,0x0d0(%si)
	 590:  74 19                  je     0x19 <5ab>		; Fail if none
	 592:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 595:  c7 84 d0 00 64 00      mov    $0x64,0x0d0(%si)
	 59b:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 59e:  f6 84 9b 01 ff         testb  $0xff,0x19b(%si)
	 5a3:  75 03                  jne    0x3 <5a8>
	 5a5:  e9 d8 fd               jmp    0xfdd8 <380>
	 5a8:  e9 be fd               jmp    0xfdbe <369>
	 5ab:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 5ae:  c7 84 d0 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d0(%si)
	 5b4:  ff 76 06               push   0x6(%bp)
	 5b7:  68 90 00               push   $0x90
	 5ba:  68 31 09               push   $0x931
	 5bd:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 5c2:  83 c4 06               add    $0x6,%sp
	 5c5:  b8 00 00               mov    $0x0,%ax
	 5c8:  8e d8                  mov    %ax,%ds
	 5ca:  c6 06 55 04 1c         movb   $0x1c,0x455
	 5cf:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 5d2:  c7 84 ae 01 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x1ae(%si)
	 5d8:  33 c0                  xor    %ax,%ax
	 5da:  33 d2                  xor    %dx,%dx
	 5dc:  c9                     leave  
	 5dd:  cb                     lret   

I came up with the following patch:

	 352:  c8 18 00 00            enter  $0x18,$0x0
	 356:  ff 76 06               push   0x6(%bp)
	 359:  9a a4 06 60 00         lcall  0x060,0x6a4
	 35e:  44                     inc    %sp
	 35f:  44                     inc    %sp
	 360:  89 46 fc               mov    %ax,0xfc(%bp)
	 363:  89 56 fe               mov    %dx,0xfe(%bp)
	 366:  e9 32 02               jmp    0x232 <59b>
	 369:  6a 0a                  push   $0xa
	 36b:  8b 46 fc               mov    0xfc(%bp),%ax
	 36e:  05 9b 01               add    $0x19b,%ax
	 371:  ff 76 fe               push   0xfe(%bp)
	 374:  50                     push   %ax
	 375:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 37a:  83 c4 06               add    $0x6,%sp
	 37d:  e9 1b 02               jmp    0x21b <59b>
	 380:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 383:  f7 84 d0 00 ff ff      test   $0xffff,0x0d0(%si)
	 389:  7f 03                  jg     0x3 <38e>		; Read inodes
	 38b:  e9 c2 00               jmp    0x0c2 <450>


	 556:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 55b:  83 c4 04               add    $0x4,%sp
	 55e:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 561:  f7 84 d0 00 ff ff      test   $0xffff,0x0d0(%si)
	 567:  7e 1f                  jle    0x1f <588>
	 569:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 56c:  8b b4 d0 00            mov    0x0d0(%si),%si
	 570:  4e                     dec    %si
	 571:  d1 e6                  shl    %si
	 573:  03 76 fc               add    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 576:  8e 5e fe               mov    0xfe(%bp),%ds
	 579:  c7 84 d2 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d2(%si)
	 57f:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 582:  c7 84 d2 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d2(%si)
	 588:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 58b:  83 bc d0 00 64         cmp    $0x64,0x0d0(%si)
	 590:  74 13                  je     0x13 <5a5>		; Change here
	 592:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 595:  c7 84 d0 00 64 00      mov    $0x64,0x0d0(%si)
	 59b:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 59e:  f6 84 9b 01 ff         testb  $0xff,0x19b(%si)
	 5a3:  75 03                  jne    0x3 <5a8>
	 5a5:  e9 d8 fd               jmp    0xfdd8 <380>	; Jump to read
	 5a8:  e9 be fd               jmp    0xfdbe <369>
	 5ab:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 5ae:  c7 84 d0 00 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x0d0(%si)
	 5b4:  ff 76 06               push   0x6(%bp)
	 5b7:  68 90 00               push   $0x90
	 5ba:  68 31 09               push   $0x931
	 5bd:  9a 00 00 00 00         lcall  0x00,0x00
	 5c2:  83 c4 06               add    $0x6,%sp
	 5c5:  b8 00 00               mov    $0x0,%ax
	 5c8:  8e d8                  mov    %ax,%ds
	 5ca:  c6 06 55 04 1c         movb   $0x1c,0x455
	 5cf:  c5 76 fc               lds    0xfc(%bp),%si
	 5d2:  c7 84 ae 01 00 00      mov    $0x0,0x1ae(%si)
	 5d8:  33 c0                  xor    %ax,%ax
	 5da:  33 d2                  xor    %dx,%dx
	 5dc:  c9                     leave  
	 5dd:  cb                     lret   

I used a program called bpatch (a hex editor) to change the byte at offset
0x591 from 0x19 to 0x13.  What this does is when a disk read fails to return
any inodes, it jumps to the read routine again.  The old code simply called
the error routine to fail.

Place the new alloc.o file into lib1 and remake the kernel.  Remember to
keep a backup copy of the original alloc.o in case this patch doesn't

Note this only fixes the inode bug.  FSCK is still broken when used with
large filesystems and the proper measures must be taken when checking them.

Wayne H Cox Ph.D. --- --- ---     UUCP: {...}!uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!wayne
Inland             |   |   |  Internet: wayne at i-core.UUCP
Innovations,       |   |   |      ICBM: 40 39 04 N / 111 56 12 W
Inc.              --- --- ---     UTAH: Our taxes are as high as our mountains

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