Forgetting about history in ksh solved

Jay "you ignorant splut!" Maynard jay at splut.UUCP
Thu Mar 30 07:15:22 AEST 1989

Bernie Hoffstadt (cutsys!cutter) had the answer. I had to add the line:
HISTFILE=/.history; export HISTFILE
to root's .profile.

Any idea why root would need that, while a normal user wouldn't?

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL   | Never ascribe to malice that which can
uucp:        uunet!nuchat!   (eieio)| adequately be explained by stupidity.
    hoptoad!academ!uhnix1!splut!jay +----------------------------------------
{killer,bellcore}!texbell!          | "Less great!" "Tastes filling!"

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