Exebyte drives / networking

Kenneth D Jordan jordan at unix.cis.pitt.edu
Fri Jun 21 05:07:22 AEST 1991

We're interested in attaching an Exebyte tape drive to an IRIS (which
already has a SCSI interface).  Aside from local activities originating
on the IRIS, we plan to do archiving from a FPS Model 500EA (running FPX
4.3.2, FPS's port of BSD 4.3).  Here's a summary of the configuration:

        +---------+   Ethernet   +---------+   SCSI   +---------+
        | FPS 500 +--------------+ SG Iris +----------+ Exebyte |
        +----+----+              +----+----+          +---------+
             |                        |
        +----+----+              +----+----+
        |  Large  |              |  Small  |
        |  Disks  |              |  Disks  |
        +---------+              +---------+

Certain files on the FPS are larger than the maximum amount of disk
space on the IRIS, so archives can't be done by copying the file to
the IRIS and then dumping it to tape.  Ideally a process on the IRIS
would pipe input from the network to the IRIS's tape driver.

Is anyone doing something like this?  How?
Does BRU solve any of the problems of doing backups over a network?

Nick Nystrom   University of Pittsburgh   nystrom at a.psc.edu

        Nick Nystrom    University of Pittsburgh    nystrom at a.psc.edu

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