VP/ix and Windows 3.0. It works but ....

Skule Johansen skujo at sssab.se
Wed Dec 19 02:04:09 AEST 1990

erast1 at unix.cis.pitt.edu (Evan R Aussenberg) writes:
>||  Is it possible to use expanded memory with Windows 3.0 in VP/ix ?
>|Windows, and probably Excel, looks at its 
>|environment to decide what CPU it is running on...
>|Unfortunately, VP/ix is only capable of handling 8086 opcodes,
>|and if handed 286 or 386 opcodes, will crash and burn.
>How can this be when Flight Simulator 4.0 runs just fine when
>I pick the 286 mode option from it's opening menus.  I agree about the
>386 opcodes ofcourse.  Btw- FS4 was being run on the VPix version
>prior to the current one, which supposedly fixes Windows 3.0 problems.

Try Norton's SI.EXE to get the system information under VP/ix. For my
80386 machine, in VP/ix, si reports that my processor is a 80286. And
this is also the VP/ix version before the SSU.3 Update of VP/ix. Look
closer on your error message when installing himem.sys:
"ERROR: Can't enable A20!". Just a suggestion... Any who *knows*?

---===***> Skule

 | Skule Johansen                       Email: skujo at herkules.sssab.se  |
 | c/o Scandinavian System Support AB   Phone: +046 - 13 - 11 16 60     |
 | Box 535, S-58106 LINKOPING           Fax..: +046 - 13 - 11 51 93     |

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