Unix Vs. DOS

Ron Srodawa srodawa at vela.acs.oakland.edu
Wed Nov 21 15:27:52 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov20.143319.16061 at mp.cs.niu.edu> rickert at mp.cs.niu.edu (Neil Rickert) writes:
> Forget the religious wars about operating systems, and choose the one which,
>in terms of available software and hardware products and support services, best
>suits your needs.

True!  True!  Let me add my two cents.  One of the "best" features of unix,
even in a single user situation, is the ability to do more than one thing
at a time.  Today I was building a BIG compiler (g++), a job that takes
quite a while.  I was able to copy some diskettes at the same time.
Xenix/386 has twelve screens on the console, each under a different alt-function
key.  So, you can act like twelve users if you like!  My system calls others
in the middle of the night to transfer mail and files.  It does that even if
I leave a big simulation running all night.  You will find, too, that the
Xenix file system is faster than MS-DOS.  I also feel comfortable knowing
that others can't just walk up and mess with my system..password protection
and all that.  Ron.

| Ronald J. Srodawa               | Internet: srodawa at unix.secs.oakland.edu |
| School of Engineering and CS    | UUCP:     srodawa at egrunix.UUCP          |
| Oakland University              | Voice:    (313) 370-2247                |
| Rochester, Michigan  48309-4401 |                                         |

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